Professional Sales, Installation, and Service
Midwest Water Gardens & Fountains will create custom water features to accommodate every budget.
- Design - Create unique water feature that will easily be integrated with existing landscaping. No two designs are alike.
- Build - Unique and professional workmanship.
- Maintain - We offer spring cleanout and winterizing services.
- Service - Ability and knowledge to repair or replace pumps and liners, provide general maintenance, and control aquatic weeds. We can also solve any drainage problems you might have on your property. Remove an unsightly ditch, repair or replace in ground drainage for downspouts, or add french drains to keep your property dry.
We strive for 100% customer satisfaction. One of our professional sales designers will come to your home or business and:
- Go over your interests and desires.
- Consider all options available.
- Locate the proposed site on the property.
- After the visit we then create a unique water feature to integrate into your existing property. Then we will either return to the location or mail out a proposal including a plan and estimate.
Check out the reviews from a few of our satisfied customers
Don’t Become a Statistic of the Pond Gone Wrong Syndrome!
There is something, we refer to as “don’t become a statistic of the pond gone wrong syndrome” often spoke about in the pond – water feature industry. Far from being a myth it’s a reality! With the industry continuing to grow and develop new want to be “pond builders”. I would caution anyone to be conscious of your choice of selection of who you elect and entrust to work with. I say this for many reasons of experience consulting with customers. Too often we go out on calls to see the failed water feature project’s recently completed not to mention an unhappy customer. In some cases, adjustments and or repairs can be made to salvage the sinking vessel. Yes, I referred to the project as a sinking vessel because it lacks proper design, correct components, and or parts, etc. Its only a matter of time before it sinks or fails. Unfortunately, the customer is stuck with an eye sore until the necessary repairs are made. In some cases, the failed project can’t be salvaged and too often it becomes a complete wreck out – rebuild project due to bad choice or selection. Did you ever anticipate spending double the amount you initially budgeted for your project? This happens more than often in our industry and continues to be a recurring problem. Whether it’s short liner, improper sized plumbing, under sized pump, or a failed skimmer box attachment we have practically seen it all in the 25 years. More than likely once your failed project has been completed and you become aware of some concerns your contractor will not return your calls to resolve the problem or they will end up referring you to a professional! Hmmm, you say to yourself, I thought we hired a professional!
Why choose Midwest Water Gardens? As we may not be the biggest in the industry compared to landscape - hardscape leaders in the industry. It’s something we specialize in and have done repeatedly throughout the season’s and years. We're well experienced and have the vision to incorporate what’s best for you and your property. Did I mention we service hundreds of properties each year and continue to grow? As an established water feature company since 1997, we are also full service and committed to providing algae and water clarity control, annual maintenance, along with repair services to the needs of all our customers. Over 90% of our customers entrust us to care for their investment once it’s been installed. Our staff often hear me talk about protecting your investment and why wouldn’t you? If you purchase an automobile, boat or even a home wouldn’t you continue to care and protect your investment? Why would it be any different with your new or existing water feature.
Customers often hear me advise them a water feature is really no different than a hot tub or even a swimming pool. Whether you use them or not you still must maintain them, regardless of if its periodic water top off, water samples, filter changes or simple maintenance. It’s a must to protect your investment. Our staff continues to strive to make your water feature a paradise, and aesthetically pleasing and not an eye sore.
I hope Midwest Water Gardens can assist you in your pond, water feature, or drainage needs and look forward to working with you in the near future.
Before & After Photos